I don't believe writing is a given talent.
I didn't start out a great writer. I started out a great reader. I
read constantly, I wrote constantly, I got feedback from friends and
teachers, I learned grammar and style. I worked and worked until I
finally found a strong voice of my own.
"Hubris is truly unique and so much fun to read! It was a really
unique story, very different from most other current fantasy, not
the cookie cutter stuff we've all grown accustomed to. I loved
the heartfelt relationships between the characters and the badass
women! I cannot wait to delve more into the world of the sirens."
- Amy Soto, on Hubris.
"Fantasy not being my usual genre, it's rare that I find a book
that sucks me in to its world the way this one did. The
characters are interesting and as familiar as they are strange. I
hope to see this universe continue to expand."
- Johnny Panic, on Hubris.
"With ties to different political and social dilemmas across the
world and crossover of mythology, this novel is FANTASTIC! It has
suspense, war, destruction, and the unbreakable bond of sisters
and those who want to fight against oppression and servitude."
- Quinn D., on Hubris.